Reviving the UltraPIF
Blowing the dust off the Nintendo 64's best mod
Monday 14 August 2023 • 1,679 words
If you, like me, are a fan of retro gaming, you may have a Nintendo 64. Chances are that if you do, you either have bought (or have thought about buying) an Everdrive, and for good reason; in 2023 it's the only way to play titles like ClayFighter: Sculptor's Cut (without selling your internal organs and remortgaging your house), the Dinosaur Planet prototype (which later became one of my favourite games, Star Fox Adventures), or - more importantly for me - different region games on your own system.
Or is it?
For those that aren't content with the Everdrive, and have mismatched-region cartridges and console - there is the UltraPIF; a replacement for the N64's Peripheral Interface chip - the custom silicon that handles the CIC (and by extension, region-locking). Now this isn't news; RetroRGB covered this back in 2020, but in 2023 the only place to get it is from Mod In France. Not to discount Romi (thank you for keeping this mod alive and in stock), but I wasn't going to be content with just buying one; especially not when the mod is open source - both firmware and hardware. That's somewhat of a rarity when it comes to advanced console modding. Understandably so; these projects have a lot of work put into them, and open sourcing a project like this often ends up with a multitude of clones (that may or may not even work at all) on AliExpress without attribution.
But that doesn't seem to be the case here. The UltraPIF, really, is a bit of an oddball mod; most people can just buy an Everdrive and be done with it. I have a different scenario, though. I have an NTSC-J (that is, Japanese import) N64; I wanted a specific colour, namely the "Clear Red" console - but I live in the UK (a PAL region) and thus have PAL cartridges. I didn't have an N64 as a child - being born in '97 puts me a few years too late to have owned one when they were still new - but I have fond memories of playing Pokémon Stadium minigames with my older cousins.
So the stage is set: I wanted my Nintendo 64 to be a true region-free console; that is, it will happily boot NTSC (U or J) or PAL cartridges as if it could do that from the factory floor.
Doing It Myself
If you browse around Jan's UltraPIF repositories (there are multiple - one for the KiCad files, one for the MCU bootloader, one for the MCU code itself, and another for the FPGA's VHDL {that is, the Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language, or the code that programs the FPGA}) you will stumble upon the following warning:
The firmware/software repositories are still incomplete.
So you cannot bring a self-made UltraPIF to life at the moment.
This wasn't going to stop me; in fact saying that I can't build one of these myself is essentially issuing me a challenge. I also didn't believe it at all, given that Mod In France had a batch made; what is that if not self-made? My partner and I (of "Cutie Club") have designed and assembled many PCBs over the years for various electronic niches so we're no strangers to love a hot air gun. So I cloned the repos and got to work exporting the gerbers so I could get a set of PCBs made. Most of the parts for the UltraPIF are easily obtainable; generic capacitors, resistors, a ferrite, a clock generator IC (an Si5351A), an inverter, a clock crystal, and an STM32 microcontroller (STM32F070). The star of the show is an FPGA (a field-programmable gate array): a Lattice LCMXO2-2000HC-4TG100C. What a mouthful. We'll just call it the Lattice.
Those reading who are somewhat interested in electronics probably know what's coming next, given that in 2023 we're still experiencing the fallout from what Wikipedia calls the "2020-present global chip shortage": I struggled to find a source for the FPGA. Since July 2021, the Lattice has been out of stock or on pretty much a perpetual backorder. Mouser estimated that 2,500 units would be in stock on the 12th of June (which seemed like a very generous number) but I had to do the unthinkable and buy one from a Chinese seller on Taobao. (I still don't know if it's not a counterfeit, but I'm getting ahead of myself).
To save some time, I actually paid for assembly on the parts that the fabricator (JLCPCB) had in stock. I thought this would be useful - let's just solder what we need to - but actually this ended up being useless for the main FPGA board as we had to transfer everything to a spare PCB (twice). Let me explain. There's actually multiple PCBs at work here - an adapter PCB that gets soldered into place of the original PIF-NUS with a mezzanine connector. Specifically, a Hirose DF12A; with 0.5mm pin pitch. This thing is truly horrid to solder. It's not so bad on the adapter board, (especially as it's the only thing on there), but on the FPGA board it's on the underside. So you have to do it last, after doing everything on the top side - and hope that you don't ruin a trace or lift a pad at this point lest you have to desolder everything and start again. Which is what happened to us. Twice.
The pain of messing up the PCBs led me down another path; what if we improved the PCB?
A New Revision?
Looking at the PCB in KiCad reveals that Jan, despite his great worth of knowledge on the Nintendo 64, isn't the best at laying out a PCB. I'm sorry, Jan, but it's a bit of a mess here. So, my partner and I decided that our best course of action was to create a new revision of the FPGA board, more suited for at-home small batch production.
From looking around the hardware repo's wiki, you can see that there appears to be a revision 7 of the board that hasn't been released/uploaded to GitHub. That board has a triangular looking cutout on the bottom left-hand corner. This, as we found out, is because the N64's heatsink is in the way and doesn't seat properly with the revision 6 UltraPIF installed. The first thing I did in the new revision was make a generous cut there to (hopefully) get the heatsink seated correctly. We can also get rid of the flat flex connector, P2, because we aren't using it. There are 0.1" pin header holes to program the various ICs that we can use.

I've moved as many components off of the underside of the board as possible. Having to rework two sides proved irritating for us, so minimising the opportunity to end up overheating components on the opposite side of the board was important. I say overheating because this board has some thick power traces that during the soldering process act as big heatsinks, spreading heat through the board. Also, there was now more space on the top side now, so we could put these passive parts closer to the chips that needed them.
I also switched the STM32 to its QFN package because it's easier for us to rework, and then I switched the crystal to a smaller part to save board space, and then I standardised the size of all the passives to 0603 imperial because that's easier to solder than the 0402 that are on the board. This redesign soon snowballed into me deleting all the traces and moving most of the components around on the top side.
In the software industry, this process is called yak shaving and we try to avoid doing it because it's a productivity death spiral. As you will have imagined, this means that so far I've not actually completed the new revision of the board. Sorry about that. This will, however, allow me to split this into a series of posts about the mod and how I will (hopefully) finally make this mod a far easier and more accessible option than it currently is.
Raspberry UltraPI(F)?
Whilst writing this post, my partner also did some detective work to see how we could contact Jan. In doing so, we found that he's been posting his work online. If you can read (or translate) German, an update on the forums suggests that Jan is working on a new version of the UltraPIF using the Raspberry Pi Foundation's RP2040 IC - a fast dual-core microcontroller IC with unique Programmable IO subsystem. That's the same chip found at the heart of the Raspberry Pi Pico.
26 May 2023, 08:14
Small side note because I hardly post anything:
Over the winter I had started with some attempts to implement the UltraPIF with a RP2040 (Raspberry Pi Pico). With the RP2040 the HW would be significantly cheaper. My prototype was also ready. Unfortunately, I absolutely cannot get the PCB ready. (Is very fumbled due to the much smaller chip.)
My partner suggested that we reach out to Jan and offer to help completing this; we've worked on numerous electronics projects with complex PCB layouts. If we manage to get in contact with Jan, it might be that I don't have to work around the limitations of the Lattice and the current two-board stackup. We could be closer to reviving the UltraPIF. Until then, though, I'll be working on making the current solution more tenable for DIY - and if that comes to pass before an UltraPIF powered by the RP2040, we'll be talking about the missing firmware.